The project started in 2013 as a research which aimed at identification of mechanisms of calcification using advanced bioinformatics approaches and molecular biology methods. The project was developed in the frame of the scientific program called FOIRMYS (first open institute of regenerative medicine for young scientists). At the end of our team research in FOIRMYS we published a paper in Rejuvenation Research. The project had a continuation, in which we analysed the transcriptomics data obtained from GEO database.

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Last week we attended probably the major international conference in the field of ageing research. "Biomedical Innovation for Healthy Longevity” #ivaoconfwas organised by #ivao foundation and held in Belmond Grand Hotel Europe, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. It was amazing and very exiting event. Every day, from early morning till late evening we had lectures of truly highly dedicated into longevity research scientists. The list of invited speakers was very and very impressive! (http://ivaoconf.com/).

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mina Ibragimova presenting the MineGenics project on the semifinal at Skolkovo StartUp Village Competition.


Amina Ibragimova presenting the MineGenics project on the semifinal at Skolkovo StartUp Village Competition.

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We got officially Skolkovo resident status. 

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Today we have a major event in our life. We registered a company and got Skolkovo resident status. Our company, "MineGenics" is focused on extending healthy productive life by demineralizing the cardiovascular system and improving elasticity and fitness. Our team worked hard for three years to make it happen. But we will work even harder to defeat aging and touch the hearts of billions of people.‪#‎Skolkovo‬ ‪#‎MineGenics‬‪#‎StartupVillage‬ ‪#‎aginghack‬ ‪#‎healthyheart‬ ‪#‎startup‬ 

The our study is supported by grant from Foundation for Assistance to Small Innovative Enterprises.

MineGenics Team: Anastasia Shindyapina, Garik Mkrtchyan, Amina Ibragimova

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